Rekindle the Sense of Obedience: Being Victorious over Temptation

When you encounter the word temptation, what comes to your mind? Temptation relates directly to evil because no one can ever claim being tempted by God (James 1:13-14). Facing temptation is not a sin when ignored but giving in to temptation is a sin and a failure in obedience to God. Since the start of humanity, obedience was already expected after God gave instructions on the dos and don’ts (Genesis 2:15-17). Unfortunately, Adam and Eve failed to obey God since both ate the forbidden fruit of the tree of good and evil after the serpent’s temptation. Then humanity sinned and fell short of God’s glory which is rooted in giving in to that said temptation (Romans 3:23). Having a comfortable life in the Garden of Eden ended because they were not victorious to overcome the temptation. Famous preachings a long time ago say that Satan attacks three areas in temptation and they are so attractive to every individual namely: lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of life. Eve was tempted to address her physical needs and she decided to give in to that temptation over her obedience to God which resulted in her eating the forbidden fruit that is called lust of the flesh. Lust of the eyes followed when Satan, characterized by a serpent, deceived Eve making the fruit looked pleasurable. Pride of life entered the mind of Eve when she entertained Satan’s lies, that she would be like God and assuring them that they will not die. Eve in turn, convinced Adam to also eat from the tree. Adam became guilty of sin too, giving in to the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of life (Genesis 3:6). By eating the fruit, they disobeyed God’s command and introduced sin to the world.

Lust of the flesh is not limited to physical hunger only but also covers sexual needs integrated with the lust of the eyes. A famous Bible character named Joseph was tempted in lust for the flesh by Potiphar’s wife to have sex with her. Joseph was victorious over that temptation because he knew it was a sin against God (Genesis 39:7-10). Sex is a gift from God designed in marriage (Proverbs 5:19; Matthew 19:5; 1 Corinthians 7:5; Hebrews 13:4), but no one dies if this sexual need is not being met and many individuals are guilty of this sexual temptation. Many single ladies have been victims of pregnancy out of wedlock. Any sexual act outside marriage is a sin and some married individuals are not exempted, for they are guilty of this sexual temptation too due to pleasure. As the bible says, “there is a pleasure in sin” (Hebrews 11:25).

Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden due to their disobedience and they must toil for what they will eat (Genesis 3:17-19). But God’s providence to them continued, because He is a God of love (1 John 4:16). They were able to multiply themselves as God commanded them in their marriage (Genesis 1:28). But the sinful nature of humanity remained until God decided to send His only Begotten Son Jesus to save people from their sinful nature (John 3:16). Jesus as fully God and fully man was led by the Spirit to the wilderness to be in prayer and fasting for forty days and forty nights. Jesus was so hungry, and Satan tempted in lust for the flesh saying: “If you are the Son of God, turn these stones to become bread.” Jesus replied: “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Satan failed and made his next move tempting him in lust of the eyes giving Jesus the picture of angels to catch him if he would throw himself down from the highest point of the temple. Satan failed again and tempted them with all his pride in life while they were on the high mountain and told Jesus to give him all the kingdom of the world and their splendor if only Jesus would bow down and worship him. Satan was commanded to leave, and Jesus told Satan what was written in God’s Word to worship the Lord your God and serve him only (Matthew 4:1-10).      

Satan is continuously tempting people today in these areas: lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of life. Satan’s desire is for people not to give attention to God. Some people are not able to stand against temptation in these three areas.  For example, instead of spending time praying, reading, and meditating on God’s Word, or listening or watching to exposition of God’s Word, NETFLIX and other TV shows instead are being prioritized. But the good news is, God provides a way out so that one may decide not to give in to temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13).

But how can one be able to be victorious against temptations?  An individual can overcome temptation when life is truly surrendered under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  To be under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, all spiritual disciplines will follow, and holiness will be pursued (1 Peter 1:14-16). Through reading and meditating on God’s Word, prayer, and engaging in fellowship and discipleship group, a true follower of Christ will be able to recognize any tendencies to give in to temptation and to commit sin, and therefore, will flee from temptation. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Christ’s followers can resist all temptations (John 16:8).